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AquaSur 2022 Dinner: More than 400 industry leaders meet to promote aquaculture development

It was attended by representatives of suppliers, guilds and companies in the industry, as well as public authorities of the Los Lagos Region.

Publicada: Tuesday 16 de August del 2022
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It was attended by representatives of suppliers, guilds and companies in the industry, as well as public authorities of the Los Lagos Region. Tuesday, August 16, 2022 – The AquaSur international fair and congress, after its successful 2022 version, once again brought together the exponents of the industry, seeking to revalidate Chile’s important role in the world salmon industry, reaffirm the commitment of the aquaculture industry and encourage its economic, social and labor growth. The AquaSur 2022 Dinner, which was held at the Hotel Enjoy in Puerto Varas, was attended by more than 400 leaders from the world of aquaculture, demonstrating the industry’s high interest in promoting and strengthening its development. The meeting provided an ideal space for the aquaculture world to meet face to face, where ties were strengthened between companies, unions, suppliers and public authorities of the Los Lagos region, opening opportunities to generate new business and long-term links that enable more agile and reliable processes, encouraging joint growth. “As expressed by our President Gabriel Boric during his visit to our region, as a government we highlight the contribution of the aquaculture industry to economic development and job creation in our territory. We deeply believe in public-private work and coordination to guarantee local development. All this framed in industrial processes that respect the environment”, said Giovanna Moreira, presidential delegate for the Los Lagos Region. AQUASUR 2022 AWARDS CEREMONY At the meeting, the AquaSur 2022 Awards were presented, an award in line to highlight the exponents of the aquaculture industry that obtained the best results and most efficient behaviors in 2021, in the areas of research and development, relationship with communities and training, and care for the environment. “It is an inspiration and a source of pride for us to reward the effort, dedication and commitment of the aquaculture world,” said Fisa’s general manager, Francisco Sotomayor. The award ceremony began with the Lifetime Achievement Award, which was presented to SalmónChile for demonstrating perseverance, hard work, and important actions that have meant a distinctive development in the sector. “In more than three decades, SalmónChile has united more than 50 salmon producing and supplying companies, presenting together with its associates a strategy based on health, environmental, regulatory, social and economic challenges of the sector, placing sustainability, people and the southern austral territory at the center,” said the master of ceremonies. In his speech, Arturo Clément, President of SalmónChile, thanked those who work in aquaculture and the authorities present who support the growth of the industry. He also highlighted the importance of the public-private partnership. “From this tribune, I call on all those present to work together with the authorities, and give our best effort. Chile has all the characteristics to be a power. Let us not waste this opportunity. Today we can say that we are part of a strong salmon family with great challenges and with the task of continuing to grow”. Following the line of distinction of the AquaSur Dinner, the Recognition for Innovation in the aquaculture sector continued, a distinction that went to the company Kran Nanobubble, for its concern and work in the recovery of seabed. This venture, located in Puerto Montt, developed high technology oriented to the recovery of contaminated environments, cleaning of products, wastewater treatment, among other techniques applied in different industries such as aquaculture, by means of nanobubble technology. For the third and last distinction, the Award for Sustainability and Social Linkage was given to the Hortaliceras de Quellón project, a project carried out by the company Salmones Austral and Salmon Chile, in alliance with Sodexo and Indap. The project allowed the Kechawe Cooperative to sell vegetables produced by its group, supplying canteens and casinos of the salmon processing plants in the area, formally becoming a supplier of the Salmon Industry. In this respect, Fernando Villaroel, chairman of the board of directors of the Samon Council, emphasized that “as salmon farmers we firmly believe that the development of salmon farming is perfectly compatible with environmental protection and sustainability. In these almost 40 years of existence, salmon farming – the contracting companies and also the regulatory bodies – have made mistakes and learned from them. Of course there is still a long way to go and things to do, but we have made considerable progress. We have also been critical of those who have moved away from good practices, because this action damages our image and prestige as a whole, because we know that, in order to advance as an industry, we have to take the path together”.

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