Exhibitors News

Abastible presents innovative solution to increase productivity of aquaculture farms with AI integration

The company’s team of specialists in energy efficiency designed a platform to measure the behavior of the salmon, based on the analysis of the critical variables of the cycle, which through the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning, allows the implementation of predictive measures, reducing operational costs, shrinkage and improving productivity.

Publicada: Thursday 22 de February del 2024
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In the framework of Aquasur 2024, the most relevant meeting of the aquaculture industry, Abastible presented its new solution, which seeks to predict the behavior of salmon, based on the analysis of the critical variables of the cycle: oxygen, temperature, salinity, caliber and distribution of salmon, feed waste, use of preparations and detection of foreign bodies.

Ignacio Mackenna, commercial manager of Abastible’s Energy Solutions, explained that “with this information and advanced technology in data classification, driven by artificial intelligence and machine learning, predictive and management measures are established, which will allow obtaining concrete benefits such as reducing mortality and homogeneity of salmon growth, optimizing the use of preparations, stabilizing and controlling the flow of oxygen and managing alerts on the approach of foreign bodies”.

This initiative complements the robust portfolio of energy solutions for the aquaculture segment, consisting of thermal and electrical solutions, such as the optimization of steam power plants, incinerators for mortality and solid waste, water tempering in fish farms, air conditioning of spaces, as well as the generation of electricity in areas where it is not possible to connect to the interconnected system.

In addition to the above, mobility solutions such as the conversion of diesel to gas in outboard engines, reducing pollution and the risk of fuel spills, with the installation of state-of-the-art carbon fiber cylinders, which are lighter and allow the operator to easily see the filling level of each cylinder. This is complemented by marine gas installations on pontoons, platforms and catamarans that allow fueling with all safety standards, facilitating the logistics of operation.

The integration of these solutions is carried out by a network of Abastible specialists to design and implement projects that increase the productivity of the processes, making energy consumption more efficient and reducing polluting emissions.

At Aquachile, for example, in its Hollemberg fish farm in the Magallanes region, Abastible implemented an integral energy solution that will optimize energy consumption through a cogeneration project to obtain electrical and thermal energy simultaneously for its aquaculture production processes, considerably lowering the carbon footprint and reducing energy use. In addition, the measuring equipment used allows real-time energy monitoring, both of fuel use and of the electrical and thermal energy provided.

The salmon company Cooke, supported by Abastible, carried out a liquefied gas (LPG) power generation project in its operations at its Aysén base, which considerably improved greenhouse gas emissions into the environment, avoiding hydrocarbon spills into the water and completely eliminating the handling of fuels by its operators.

Meanwhile, the company carried out the last and most recent project at Alimar – a fish food processor – which, with the energy efficiency measures applied in steam production, has allowed it to increase its KPIs in the reduction of polluting emissions and achieve significant energy benefits.

“At Abastible we want to mobilize the entire aquaculture industry towards a more efficient operation, contributing with innovative and safe projects that we design and develop together with our clients, which allow us to promote the efficient use of energy in the processes, ensuring operational continuity”, said Mackenna.

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