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AquaSur Tech 2023: Technological Solutions for Sustainable Aquaculture

A large number of technologies for the management of Animal Welfare in fish production will be presented at AquaSur Tech 2023, the first fair of technological solutions oriented to the sustainability of salmon farming, to be held in Punta Arenas on March 29 and 30.

Publicada: Monday 13 de February del 2023
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A large number of technologies for the management of Animal Welfare in fish production will be presented at AquaSur Tech 2023, the first fair of technological solutions oriented to the sustainability of salmon farming, to be held in Punta Arenas on March 29 and 30. The event, which will be the prelude to AquaSur 2024, will be attended by innovative companies that will present products and initiatives that make it possible to make the development of the aquaculture industry compatible with a lower impact on the environment. One of them is SalmoClinic, a company that will present the results obtained by its vessel “Owurkan”, for the sustainable treatment of salmon against caligidosis and other pathologies through controlled baths. “The technology developed by SalmoClinic allows a reduction of more than 50% in the use of antiparasitics for the control of caligidosis and avoids contamination of the marine environment through the degradation of antiparasitic residues after their use. It also allows for bath treatments with fresh water only, without the need to add any type of chemical, depending on the type of disease to be treated,” explains Hans Konsmann, SalmoClinic’s General Manager. “For us it is very important to be part of AquaSur Tech and to show the type of technology available in Chile. We hope to be able to communicate the important advances we have achieved in the implementation of this new technology and to add new clients for a new vessel that will begin construction this year,” said SalmoClinic’s General Manager. In AquaSur Tech there will also be space to learn about new sea lice management strategies that consider non-pharmacological tools, such as functional diets that incorporate additives in their formulation with the aim of providing something extra to the strictly nutritional aspects of the food. In this sense, AcuaNativa will present the 100% botanical additive, L-END Ultra, which acts preventively in the infestation of the ectoparasite in salmon, reducing the parasite load and limiting the maintenance of the parasite in the water column and its dissemination within and between farming centers. “There is a need for new management strategies for Caligidosis, which arises from the transformation that the salmon industry is undergoing to produce a quality product with a lower environmental impact. It is in this space where products such as L-END are added to the toolbox to support the effort of companies to reduce the use of drugs in the production cycles”, said Macarena Cozmar, R&D and new business manager of AcuaNativa. The technologies will be presented in the context of the Workshop “transformational suppliers” to be held on March 29, 2023, with the participation of 3 technical committees formed by representatives of MultiX, Australis Mar, Cermaq, AquaChile and Blumar, sponsors of AquaSur Tech. The interest of the production companies in being part of the committees is to learn about the latest technologies oriented towards sustainability in order to face the challenges of harmonizing with the territory of Magallanes and the standards it demands. Aquasur Tech, in its first version, is sponsored by CMPC, Salmofood and Elanco. At the meeting, visitors will be able to visit 35 exhibition stands where they will learn about technological solutions for the industry and will be able to register in an open industry space, organized by the Association of Salmon and Trout Producers of Magallanes. Within the framework of the exhibition to be held at the Dreams Hotel and Casino, the Transformational Aquaculture Seminar will be held in parallel, with the participation of more than 30 speakers from the public, private and academic sectors, and the attendance of more than 300 people is expected. The meeting seeks to connect global trends with local initiatives and case studies.

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